How to Control Rodents This Winter

Tech placing rodent trap

Rodents seek out warm places to shelter as the weather gets colder.

Don’t let your home become a cozy nesting place for mice, rats, and other rodents this winter. Raccoons may be slightly larger, but even they can find their way into your attic or crawl space if it's not well protected. Read on for tips on how to control rodents this winter.

Rodent Control Tips for Winter

Inspect Your Home for Points of Entry

Do a thorough inspection of your home's perimeter to look for holes large enough for rodents to crawl through. Any gaps larger than a quarter need to be sealed to make sure these tiny creatures can't slip through. Not sure what exactly to look for or how best to fill the holes, consider calling in a professional to help.

Keep Up with Yard Work

One perk of winter is less lawn maintenance, but don't let that stop you from checking the yard regularly. Remove large piles of leaves or debris where critters can be hiding. Trim back your trees and shrubs to keep rodents from using them as easy access to the roof and underhang.

Block Off Food and Water Sources

Rodents are simple creatures and need very little to survive, but food and water are at the top of that list. Mice, rats, raccoons; you name it, they will be smelling out even the tiniest morsels. Use airtight containers to make sure your food isn't attracting pests. Also, check for standing water spots that can be another attractant.

Turn to the Rodent Professionals

If you have begun to notice rodent activity or simply want more peace of mind that your home is protected during the winter months, it is best to turn to professionals. Rodent control specialists will be to help keep your home protected. They may even recommend rodent baiting, which will help keep the rodent population under control by stopping pests outside before they can get inside.

Rodent Control in South Carolina

Old South Exterminators is a family owned business, backed by 50 years of experience. Our rodent control services include exclusion and removal. With locations in Ridgeland and Beaufort we cover a large area of the Lowcountry. Contact us for a free inspection and to discuss how we can help keep your home rodent-free.